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How can I add position or skill matrix?

Learn how to add yourself or someone from your team on position

There are several ways to add someone to a position. For example:

  • Via Team&Analytics section

  • Via skills matrix page, on the Career Paths tab

  • In Profile section (inside your own or a colleague's)

In this article, we will look at a few of them 👇

Via Team & Analytics

Open the Team & Analytics section and select the Users & Teams tab. Here is a list of users in your workspace. Pay attention to the "Current Position" tab - here you can see the names of the positions that your colleagues are in.

If the user has not yet selected a position and skill matrix, then when hovering over the column "Current position", the button "add position" appears next to the name.

By clicking on it, the "Select position" window appears.

Here you can select a skill matrix from your workspace or add a new one by clicking on +

Select the position in the same way. By clicking on the checkbox, you can make the selected position the main

If you/team member is already in a position, in the table, click on their name and then on the Manage position button.

In the modal window that opens, click "Select" under the user's name.

The "Select position" window opens, which we described above.

Via Profile

Find the Profile in the navigation on the left and click on it.

If the user does not have a position selected yet, you will find the "Add position" button in the profile header. Click on it.

The "Select position" window opens, which we described above.

If the user already has a selected position and skill matrix, then at the top of the header there is a tab with the position and the percentage of compliance with it

Click on it and select "Manage position".

In the modal window that opens, click "Select" and proceed to the further steps described above.

If you have more than one skin matrix added, the tabs appear in the "Manage position" window

When you switch to the desired one, you can click on the edit button and you can make that skin matrix the main one.

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