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Sign up to Ace

Let us assist you through your first steps with Ace

In this article, we will go over each step in detail during your registration. If you encounter difficulties and cannot find the answer in this article, please do not hesitate to send us a message via chat🫂

Step 1. Set up your email address and password

Enter your work email address and password - these are the details you'll use to log into the app whenever you need to. Easy-peasy!

You can change this information later, after onboarding.

Step 2. Tell us about yourself

Tell us what field you work in and in what is your role. This information will help us give you clearer recommendations further.

You can also upload your avatar. Otherwise, we'll show your initials as your avatar.

Step 3. Tell us more about your team

If you are going through the third step of registration, you are the first team member using our app. Please let us know more about your team so that we can provide you with the best recommendations and experience 🚀

Set up your team/company name. This is also going to be your workspace name.

Choose a starting skill matrix for your team. This field is required. Later you can choose as many matrices as you want or create your own.

Let us know how many people are in your team/department and what the size of your company is in general.

And, finally, upload your company logo for more personalization.

Step 4. Choose which control system you use

We currently offer three options to choose from: GitLab, GitHub, and Bitbucket. We collect this information to prepare insights. Don't worry, we won't ask to connect these tools right away, you can do it later after onboarding.

If your team doesn't use any of them or doesn't use them at all, select the "Other version control" button to skip the choice & leave us an information about your current version control system. We are collecting statistics from the responses to expand the choice of tools for integration 💫

Learn more about:

Step 5. Proceed the payment

This page precedes payment or credit card entry if you start a trial period.

Here, you can also request a demo call with our experts.

The trial period lasts seven days, and we won't make any payments until the trial period expires. Later, you will be able to unlink your card so that the funds are not charged off.

Step 8. Invite teammates

On this page, you can add members to your workspace. Click the "Invite via email" button to ask your co-workers to join.

You need to add at least one team member to continue.

You may also choose the future role of teammates and a career path on a chosen before skill matrix. However, this is optional and you can change everything later⏱️

Click "Start journey" to complete the registration! 🚀

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