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What is Team & Analytics?

A section containing analytics about how performance of your team

In this article, we're explaining the purpose of "Team & Analytics" section and how to navigate it 👇

Team & Analytics displays the data from all reviews performed in the workspace. The section consists of several subsections:

  • Team's skills - select a skill matrix to see on the diagram the overall skill level of your team or particular team member. It helps to better understand what your team needs to upskill

  • Skill gaps - find out the skill levels of your team in a tabular form. In this tab, it is possible to compare the skills of different employees with ease.

  • Users & Teams - allows you to see and manage all peers of the workspace. This is also the only place where you can create and edit teams of your workspace.

It's also one of the places where you can invite employees into your workspace.

To access the section, choose "Team & Analytics" in the navigation 👇

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