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What is a skill matrix?

Skill matrices are designed to help you organize the skills for your team and form the requirements for positions

In this article, we provide a brief description of what a skill matrix is and how to navigate the section 👇

You can find the section with the skill matrices by using the main navigation on the left; look for the "Skill Matrices" section in the list.

This page contains a list of matrices in your workspace. Use the Explore filter to see not only your matrices, but also the other participants' matrices in the workspace.

Then click on one of the shown cards to open it.

A skill matrix is essentially a Kanban-style board containing various soft and hard skills. Each role or profession has its own skill matrix.

For example: Software Developer by CircleCI skill map

Skills tab

On this tab, you can edit skills on the map by adding and removing them.

Skills are organized into groups: each vertical bar represents one of the groups. You can freely move groups among themselves or skills within them simply by dragging cards. The order of groups and skills determines the order in which skills will appear in reviews and other parts of the system.

Usually team leads fill in the skill matrix with different skills and level requirements, or you can use Ace templates to jump start 💫

Levels tab

Levels determine the scale by which skills will be evaluated on the map. This is an important section as the requirements for the positions are composed of skill levels. Furthermore, during the review, skills will be evaluated by level, and it will be possible to set goals to achieve a certain skill.

Career paths tab

On this tab, you can create & edit career paths and manage requirements for different positions.

About matrix tab

Here you can get general information about the map and give it a description so that your colleagues can more easily participate in shaping and editing it.

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